Contact Us

  • Please check Frequently Asked Questions before making an inquiry.
  • Please see Privacy Policy for the handling of personal information on the site.
  • Depending on the content of your question, it may take some time to answer or we may not be able to answer.
  • We will reply to inquiries received on weekends and holidays after the next business day.
  • Responses from us will be sent to you personally. Please refrain from reprinting or secondary use of part or all of our answers.
  • Inquiries regarding commissioned development

    For development requests to our company, please contact us here.

  • Inquiries regarding IR

    For inquiries from our shareholders and investors, please contact us here.
    *Please note that our company has a ""silent period"" from the day after the quarterly financial results date until the day the financial results are announced, and we refrain from answering any questions regarding the financial results.

  • Inquiries regarding recruitment

    For recruitment inquiries, please contact us here.

  • Inquiries regarding games

    For inquiries regarding games released by our company, please contact us here. For inquiries regarding games released by other companies, please contact the publisher.
    *Please note that we cannot respond to inquiries regarding game strategy information or information that is not published on our official website.

  • Other Inquiries

    For inquiries other than those listed above, please contact us here. Depending on the content and timing of your inquiry, it may take some time for us to respond, or we may not be able to respond to you.